If the item you receive is faulty we offer a full refund or a replacement. We will reimburse you for your return postage costs. If you change your mind (or ordered the wrong item by mistake) we offer a full refund, but you are responsible for the return postage. You have 14 days after delivery in which to return any unwanted items.
When returning items please take care to use the correct postage. The vast majority of our products will need to be returned as a 'Large Letter' as the package will be thicker than 5mm. Items with incorrect postage are always delayed and we have to attend the local sorting office to pay the fine and the excess postage.
If the springs you purchased prove unsuitable in any way we are always happy to help. For orders placed on this website we can often swap one type of spring for another without the need to issue a refund and place a second order. Orders placed on Amazon should be returned to Amazon and a fresh order placed for the springs you need. We answer all e-mails within 1 day (usually within a few hours).
When returning an item please email us to let us know that we are expecting a package from you. Please remember to include your order number with your return.
Our returns policy is in addition to and does not affect your statutory rights under the Distance Selling Regulations.
Please do not return products purchased on Amazon directly to us. These products have to be returned to Amazon using the normal Amazon returns procedure (log into your Amazon account, select 'Your Orders' and follow the link).